At the The Six PAC, we have one simple goal: Find excellent candidates and get them the support they need. Thus, our team is small, and focused. We don’t have fancy offices (or even AN office) and large expense accounts, just good people with diverse backgrounds and experience.
Founder: Sean Frame - Sean is a grassroots activist and organizer, former rural school board member, and past candidate for US Congress in California’s enormous and rural 4th District that stretches from Truckee/Lake Tahoe in the north to the foothills and mountainous region of Fresno County in the South.
Candidate Selection Team:
Susan Gutowsky: Susan is a life long Democratic activist who moved to Northern California in 2012 after her husband’s retirement from the military. She has worked to recruit, train, and mentor progressive candidates and has been part of the core staff of local, state and federal candidates. She works for the American Cancer Society as a Planned Giving Director and also serves as a board member of the Placer Food Bank. She is an two-time elected delegate to the California Democratic Party and its Executive Board, currently serves as Co-Chair of Catalyst Democrats, and was a co-founder of Placer Women Democrats. She is committed to electing candidates who share her core values of economic equality, women’s equality and social justice for all.
Jennifer Rindahl: Jennifer is a Pollie Award winning political consultant with over sixteen years of experience in campaign management, strategic communications and issue advocacy.
Jennifer has a particular expertise for communicating complex policy information to the public, key influencers and elected leaders, with demonstrated experience and expertise in agriculture & environment policy, education, governmental agencies, healthcare, housing, and community organizing.
She has run successful campaigns from the far south including Imperial and San Diego counties, Los Angeles, the Inland Empire, the Central Valley, Monterey, the Bay Area and into the north including Humboldt and Trinity counties. Jennifer was also the Campaign Manager and Lead Consultant for Delaine Eastin for Governor of CA in 2018.
Kenton Ngo: Kenton specializes in data, analytics, online ads, and GIS. He knocked his first door in 2003 and was one of Virginia’s first state politics bloggers while starting in field organizing for local campaigns, where he first started using data and studying political geography for targeting. He holds a BA from George Mason University and an MA from the University of Florida and has worked in polling, digital, and field. He also manages The Six PAC’s email database and digital advertising programs through his firm Pantograph Labs.
Dennessa Atiles: Dennessa is the West Coast Organizer for Indivisible National, and a passionate progressive activist on a variety of issues. She’s also a seasoned field and campaign manager with experience on multiple campaigns up and down-ballot.
Pamela Swartz: Pamela ran an unapologetically progessive campaign for State Senate in the largest and most rural Senate District in the entire State of California (SD1.) Because she spent her formative years in rural California she knows that it IS possible to run a people-first campaign in places that our Party generally writes off. As a first time candidate, she tallied an impressive number of votes in her loss and built progressive grassroots power throughout the region. We are excited to share her experience with our candidates.