
candidate Selection

Financial Need

Does the candidate need help raising funds? In today’s “money = viability” world, most people considering candidacy come to it with resources and a good rolodex. However, should candidates who don’t have that be excluded from running? We don’t think so, and we want to commit resources and our mailing list to helping candidates who don’t necessarily have the personal resources get off the ground.

Rural and Progressive

Is the candidate rural and/or progressive and/or running in a GOP dominated region or District or against a corporate candidate? It is our belief that there is a movement afoot to start electing authentic candidates with progressive values. We’re looking to support people with great values and a genuine understanding and support of their communities. We know that connecting with people is how we win these races, and we need candidates who can do that.

Facing a Tough Primary

Is the candidate facing a tough primary opponent and in need of support to help win and get to the general election. We feel that the primary is often the toughest race for the diverse candidates we want to support, so we will prioritize races where early money will have a great impact.

Building Power

Is the candidate committed to the idea of building power for their community? We know that running an uphill battle does not always result in a win the first time around. We want to know if the candidate has a vision for how their candidacy can improve their district whether they win or lose. Candidates who run with this in mind are much more likely to win and are certain to improve their community and region regardless of outcome.



We will use this criteria to select candidates, and will support no more than six Congressional candidates per cycle so we can have the most impact in these candidates’ races (thus “The Six” PAC.)

Our School Board Fund also supports dozens of pro-education candidates who will fight right-wing extremism.